Young Adult Audiobooks

Young adult fiction, commonly known as YA, centers around stories that feature protagonists aged 12–21. Though originally intended for teens, the genre has found an audience among adults who gravitate toward the mix of coming-of-age tales, diverse social themes, and powerful moments of hope.

Young adult fiction, commonly known as YA, centers around stories that feature protagonists aged 12–21. Though originally intended for teens, the genre has found an audience among adults who gravitate toward the mix of coming-of-age tales, diverse social themes, and powerful moments of hope.


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The Queer Girl Is Going to Be Okay
The Queer Girl Is Going to Be Okay
The Queer Girl Is Going to Be Okay
The Queer Girl Is Going to Be Okay

The Queer Girl Is Going to Be Okay

byDale Walls

It's college acceptance season at Alsbury High School. For aspiring filmmaker Dawn Salcedo, spring brings more than the usual obstacles—she’s her ill father's only caregiver, the final deadline for the Austin Film Festival is looming (with a full ride to college on the line), and her documentary about queer love, a subject she’s desperate to get a firmer grasp on, is still missing its finishing pieces. Thankfully, she has two great best friends to help her to the finish line (is it still a GBF if they’re all gay?)—Edie, the resident mom friend with valedictorian status, who must navigate her deeply religious family while having a nonbinary partner she doesn’t want them to meet, and Georgia, a poet with her educational future in doubt, who is dealing with her mom's questionable new boyfriend. Debut author Dale Walls serves up an intimate and joyous story of queer friendship and girlhood set in the vibrant city of Houston, perfect for fans of Leah Johnson and Sonora Reyes. The Queer Girl Is Going to Be Okay will make you laugh, make you cry, and make you believe that eventually, everything really will be okay.

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About Young Adult

So many listeners just can’t get enough of young adult (often abbreviated as YA) audiobooks, adoring them for the often extraordinary and engaging storylines, vivid characters, and engrossing plots, no matter their age. The young adult genre is fiction written, published, and marketed to teens and young adults, aged roughly 13 to 18. Young adult audiobooks, whether novels or short stories, have distinct qualities that distinguish them from fiction created for other age groups. Adolescence is the primary focus of nearly all YA novels. Young adult stories can be found in a wide variety of genres, but the main character's age and experience tend to influence the content and storylines. Some of the most popular New York Times bestselling YA titles include The Hunger Games trilogy, The Hate U Give, and To All the Boys I loved Before. Some are romance, some are action and adventure, some are fantasy, and some are many other diverse subgenres. ‘Coming-of-age novels’ are a common descriptor for YA stories because of their focus on adolescence's trials and tribulations. YA stories can be written in a variety of styles, from literary to simple and direct. With its distinct features, YA fiction shares the fundamental elements of fiction: character, plot, setting and theme.

So many listeners just can’t get enough of young adult (often abbreviated as YA) audiobooks, adoring them for the often extraordinary and engaging storylines, vivid characters, and engrossing plots, no matter their age. The young adult genre is fiction written, published, and marketed to teens and young adults, aged roughly 13 to 18. Young adult audiobooks, whether novels or short stories, have distinct qualities that distinguish them from fiction created for other age groups. Adolescence is the primary focus of nearly all YA novels. Young adult stories can be found in a wide variety of genres, but the main character's age and experience tend to influence the content and storylines. Some of the most popular New York Times bestselling YA titles include The Hunger Games trilogy, The Hate U Give, and To All the Boys I loved Before. Some are romance, some are action and adventure, some are fantasy, and some are many other diverse subgenres. ‘Coming-of-age novels’ are a common descriptor for YA stories because of their focus on adolescence's trials and tribulations. YA stories can be written in a variety of styles, from literary to simple and direct. With its distinct features, YA fiction shares the fundamental elements of fiction: character, plot, setting and theme.